
Directions: The following statements talk about your practices during face-to-face and online classroom setup. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree.

For each item you will also be asked to indicate if you perceive the item as important and clear.

Do you agree with the item?

Do you find the item:


Do you find the item:


1. I recognize each student’s unique characteristics.

2. I encourage students to contribute ideas during online and face-to-face class discussions.

3. I encourage students to be open to varied perspectives.

4. I challenge students to become responsible learners.

5. I help set goals for students’ individual learning.

6. I integrate student ideas with my lesson.

7. I connect previously discussed topics into the current lessons.

8. I create learning activities based on students’ interests.

9. I base grades on a variety of assessment procedures
(e.g., recitation, quizzes, discussion forum, projects, and portfolios).

10. I recognize student efforts and achievements.

11. I implement online and face-to-face classroom procedures consistently
(e.g., passing of requirements, scheduling of exams, etc.).

12. I maximize the use of school facilities for student learning (e.g., BigSky).

13. I facilitate relevant discussions.

14. I come up with various ways to help further develop student learning.

15. I make sure that students understand the lesson before I move into the next topic.

16. I keep an accurate record of grades whether online or offline.

17. I am a good example of a professional in my area of specialization.

18. I do my work eagerly.