There are several ways to do this.
Uploading from the Content Page
Start by clicking on Content on the navigation bar of Bigsky. Once there select the module or sub-module that you would like to add the file to which will also serve as a content topic.
Method 1: Drag and Drop
This is probably the simplest way to upload a file as a content topic.
- Open your file browser to the folder that contains the file you want to upload.
- Make your browser screen small enough that you can see the file to upload on one side.
- Highlight the file by clicking on it once and hold the button while dragging it into the designated box and release.
- Wait for the file to load. Once completed the file will appear in the module.
Method 2: Standard File Upload
Another method is by going to New > Upload Files. This will open a window that will open a window that will let you decide if you want to add a file from your computer or a pre-uploaded file located within the course.
Method 2a: Adding a file from your computer
Click on My Computer, this will open a new window that contains an UPLOAD button. Click it and select a file from your computer. Once you have done this you just have to wait for the file upload to complete. While waiting you can choose a destination folder for the file. If the folder does not exist you can create one.
Click on Add once file upload is complete and the file will appear on your content page.
Note: The name that will appear of the added content file will be the filename. You can edit and customize this to a name you want (including the file extension) without compromising the integrity of the file. For example, if the file is displayed as alphabet.pdf you could rename it as Learning The Alphabet. Only the name on the Content page changed, not the name of the file.
Method 2b: Adding a file from Course Offering Files
If the file has been previously uploaded to the course you can go to New > Upload Files > Course Offering Files.
In the sample on the right choose a file by ticking the box before it and then clicking on Add at the bottom of the popup window.
In case you have many files you can narrow down the selection by using the filter below marked Files of Type. Click on the dropdown menu and choose the filter corresponding to the file you want to add to the Content page and click on Go. The selected file will now appear on the Content page.
Uploading via the Edit Course page.
Go to Edit Course. Once there go down to Site Resources and click on Manage Files.
Once you are in Manage Files you will see breadcrumbs showing your location and below that are the following links: Hide Tree, New File, New Folder, Paste, and Upload. If you have already uploaded files in the past those files will appear below those links.
- To upload a file click on Upload, this will open a file browser which allow you to choose the file from your computer. Once you have done this you just have to wait for the file upload to complete.
- Click on Save once file upload is complete. The file will appear on the list of course files.
- Select the file from the list of the course files and click on the arrow after the file name and click on Add Content Topic.
This will bring you to the Add Multiple Files page where the file you selected will also appear selected below. Click on the dropdown and select the module of the content page where you want the selected file to appear. If the module does not exist, then simply click on Add Module to create a new module where the file will be placed.
======================= ALTERNATIVE =========================
Go to Content, then go to the specific module where you want to upload your file.
You can drag and drop the file you want to upload.
You can also select New, then click on Upload Files.