The Dropbox tool is for uploading and submitting assignments in BigSky Benilde, which eliminates the need for students to email or submit a print copy of their work to instructors.
Instructors use the Dropbox tool to see users’ submission times, download assignment submission folders to their computer, view submissions on the Evaluate Submission page, associate Dropbox submission folders to Rubrics and Competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. Instructors can also view users’ submissions and submission dates in the Folder Submission area, eliminating the need to collect assignments and making it easy to track when files were submitted. Instructors may also create categories to organize dropbox submission folders. They can also restrict access to these by date and time, group membership, or special access permissions.
To create a Dropbox folder, click Assessment > Dropbox > New Folder, and fill in the necessary fields before saving.